Comprehensive Plan

The Planning & Zoning Commission was re-organized in Aprill 2024 to review and update the Finlayson Comprehensive Plan that was written in 2004.

The Comprehensive Plan defines and guides the City Council on decisions relating to zoning, recreation, building and services within the city. The purpose is to promote the health, safety, prosperity, aesthetics and general welfare of this community.

The current Planning & Zoning Commission meetings, agendas and minutes can be found HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

I would like the opportunity to provide input, what can I do?

We appreciate your desire to be involved! You can attend the next Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. You can find those meetings (and past minutes) HERE!

I heard there was a Community Survey, that went out, but I didn't get it!

Correct, in December 2024, residents within the City of Finlayson were sent a survey. You may not have received it if you live outside city limits, or if you do not own a business within city limits. To participate in the survey, you can contact Penny Simonson with the East Central Regional Development Commission at [email protected] or via phone at (320) 679-4065 x23.